Fredrik Mörk

Software architect and developer, photographer and occasional public speaker. And a nice guy, I hope.

linkedin | photo website | instagram | twitter

software-centered thinker

I work as a software architect with Careium in Malmö, Sweden. I started working in the early 90's and have worked in many different organizations as a developer, tech lead, architect and mentor.

I am told I have a unique ability to quickly grasp technical challenges and business challenges alike, and also to package that insight in a pedagogical way to serve as a bridge between those (too often quite separate) worlds. This is a role that I have been gravitating towards during later years: acting as a technical advisor in business strategy discussions and communicating business values in technical environments.


I also do some photography and the results of that appear on my photography website, my Facebook page or Instagram, and I occasionally take on assignments.

public speaking

I sometimes speak on conferences, user groups and other events. Most commonly I have been speaking about .NET development, most notably on async/await and debugging techniques, but also on photography.

If you want to engage me for a speaking event, feel free to get in touch.

upcoming engagements

Beauty in Code, Malmö, Sweden, 2025-03-01

past engagements

Beauty in Code, Malmö, Sweden, 2024-03-02

Beauty in Code, Malmö, Sweden, 2023-03-04

Additude Tech Eve, Malmö, Sweden, 2022-05-23
Being an Architect

Beauty in Code, Malmö, Sweden, 2020-03-07

Øredev, Malmö, Sweden, 2019-11-07
Doing .NET in that other cloud

Beauty in Code, Malmö, Sweden, 2019-03-02

DevSum, Stockholm, Sweden, 2018-06-01
The photographic image – not actually a UX talk

Beauty in Code, Malmö, Sweden, 2018-03-03

DevSum, Stockholm, Sweden, 2017-06-09
Digging deeper in the Visual Studio debugger

Foo Café, Malmö, Sweden, 2017-04-19
Digging deeper in the Visual Studio debugger (Swenug)

Webstep Kompetensbio, Malmö, Sweden, 2016-04-28
When are you done? (Ligthtning talk)

Foo Café, Malmö, Sweden, 2016-04-19
Security in the wild - the developer's point of view (SecuriTea)

NNUG, Trondheim, Norway, 2015-05-28
Do's and Don'ts with Async in C#

DevSum, Stockholm, Sweden, 2015-05-25
Do's and Don'ts with Async in C#

Webstep Fagkveld, Oslo, Norway, 2015-03-19
Do's and Don'ts with Async in C#

Beauty in Code, Malmö, Sweden, 2015-02-28

Webstep Kompetensbio, Stockholm, Sweden, 2014-12-02
Do's and Don'ts with Async in C#

Webstep Kompetensbio, Malmö, Sweden, 2014-11-18
Do's and Don'ts with Async in C#

Øredev, Malmö, Sweden, 2014-11-07
API the hidden UI

Foo Café, Malmö, Sweden, 2014-10-16
API the hidden UI (Foo Café Speakers Challenge Finals)

Foo Café, Malmö, Sweden, 2014-09-11
API - the hidden UI (ØSCG)

Some voices from visitors of my talks:

"A really interesting seminar. Liked this one very much, even if it was not programming related. Also liked his philosophical approach."

"Superb speaker. A very interesting subject, maybe a little odd here but very good in many ways!"

"Good finisher, nice with a bit of non tech related talk. Clear speaker and easy to follow with the slides."

"Calm and confident on stage."

"This was really useful, probably one of the most useful of the ones I attended, for me anyway (something I can apply)."

"Very good speech that gave a lot of practical tips that I can use every day."